Welcome to the Virtualitics Developer Experience (VDE), where you'll be able to easily create AI Apps that empower users to move quickly from data to impact.
What are AI Apps?
AI Apps are self-contained workflows within the Virtualitics AI Platform (VAIP). Apps are modular, highly customizable, support a wide array of analytics routines, and can be shared across users with access to a deployed instance of the VAIP. A single instance of the VAIP may contain one or more Apps - and by leveraging the VDE, developers can create their own Apps and incorporate the powerful tools built into the VAIP into custom experiences for users.
How are AI Apps Built?
AI Apps built using the VDE utilize common Python code, customized through the Virtualitics SDK package, and are then deployed using a Command Line Interface (CLI) process. Apps are then run by users in the VAIP, where they are able to go through analytic Flows within each App, populated by either uploaded data or connected data through a supported database.
One of the Apps built using the VDE, Integrated Resource Optimization - Maintenance (IRO-Mx), shows how developers can create experiences for users that help integrate disparate data and leverage machine learning and AI models to help drive decision-making and overall impact.
The articles in these sections cover how to leverage items within the Virtualitics SDK to build AI Apps, and also provide high-level tutorial walkthroughs to help you create your own AI App.
For more technical information, see the Virtualitics SDK.