AI Apps are self-contained workflows within the Virtualitics AI Platform (VAIP). Apps are modular, highly customizable, support a wide array of analytics routines, and can be shared across users with access to a deployed instance of the VAIP. A single instance of the VAIP may contain one or more Apps.
Running an App is a seamless experience that allows users to view, interact with, and understand their data in new ways. To run an App, simply click on it on the Home page. From here, you can add an App Label to differentiate each flow of the App. Click Start App to begin a new flow of that App.
Now that you're familiar with the basics of the VAIP and Apps, we'll let you take it from here! Whether you're running already-built Apps or are a developer building custom Apps, the VAIP will help you and your users understand and leverage data in a new way.
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