Logging In
To explore your data in Virtualitics, first things first - you'll need to get logged in.
To do so, you'll visit the Virtualitics Account Portal.
Here, you'll need to enter your Virtualitics credentials that you should have received in an email. If you haven't received them, please reach out to your Administrator.
Home Screen
Once you've entered your username and password and successfully logged in, you'll be greeted with the Home Screen.
If your organization is using AI Apps on the Virtualitics AI Platform or Virtualitics Explore, you'll see one or a number of instances that your Administrator has set up for you to access. Simply click on the instance to open it.
If your organization is using Virtualitics Explore Desktop, you'll need to download the application to your system. To do so, click Installations. You can download the client to your Windows, Mac, or Linux system.
Once you've confirmed access to your available platforms, it's time to explore your data. Click below to go to the next section.