The Info Panel enables you to select points or areas in your visualization and access detailed information associated with your selection.
It offers a deeper lens into points or areas of a plot that the overall visualization and analysis has highlighted as interesting. Users will need quick ways to characterize these areas of interest and access more granular data in order to establish a next step in their process.
In every visualization, you can select individual points to display the Point Info Panel or individual bins to display the Bin Info Panel (for Histograms).
Point Info Panel
The Point Info Panel shows the values for every feature in the row associated with that point. The list starts with mapped features and ends with all other unmapped features. The search bar will search for both features and values.
Bin Info Panel
The Bin Info Panel shows the values for each feature mapped to an axis for the selected bin, provides a bin distribution for Color if it is mapped, and gives minimum, maximum, and mean values for the feature mapped to Size.
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