The Calculator tool grants you additional flexibility in how you are able to explore your data through the engineering of new fields.
Whether prior to or after an analytics workflow, you are able to generate discrete outputs that can be used for further analysis or exported into other tools within your ecosystem. The ability to do this also enables you to make rapid adjustments to your data that can lead to improved analysis or overall insights.
Using Calculator
- In the top menu bar, click Tools > Calculator.
- In the box that appears, input a formula to create a result.
- You can create new features by taking linear combinations of the existing features or by applying some standard functions included in the Calculator.
- Example Calculator statement:
[new_feature] = Function([existing_feature])
- Click Run.
Your calculated result will appear under Result Preview. If you want to convert this result into a new feature, click Save in features list.
Calculator Functions
You can incorporate a number of functions into your created formula. These functions include:
- Abs – Returns the absolute value of the specified number
- Acos – Returns the angle (in radians) whose cosine is the specified number
- Asin – Returns the angle (in radians) whose sine is the specified number
- Atan – Returns the angle (in radians) whose tangent is the specified number
- Ceiling – Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number
- Cos – Returns the cosine of the specified angle (in radians)
- CumulativeMovingAverage – Returns the average of all of the data up to the current datum point
- e – Represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e. Also known as Napier’s constant or Euler’s number.
- Exp – Returns e raised to the specified power
- Floor – Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number
- IEEERemainder – Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number
- If – Returns a value based on a specified condition
- In – Returns whether an element is in a set of values
- Index – Returns the row iteration for which the expression is being evaluated
- Log – Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the specified number
- Log10 – Returns the base 10 logarithm of the specified number
- Max – Returns the maximum of a numerical feature or returns the larger of two specified numbers
- Mean – Returns the average of a numerical feature
- Median – Returns the middle value of a numerical feature
- Min – Returns the minimum of a numerical feature or returns the smaller of two numbers
- Mod – Returns the remainder after dividing the left parameter by the right parameter
- Norm – Returns the normalized value of a numerical feature between 0 and 1
- NormInRangeA – Returns a normalized value between a specified range for a numerical feature
- NormInRangeB – Returns a normalized value between a specified range for a numerical feature
- Pi – Returns the constant Pi, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter
- Pow – Returns a specified number raised to the specified power
- Random – Returns a random floating point value between a specified range
- RandomInt – Returns a random integer value between a specified range
- Replace – Returns a modified value based on what is to be found and what it should be replaced with
- Round – Rounds a value to the specified number of decimal places
- RowCount – Returns the row count in the dataset
- Sign – Returns a value indicating the sign of a number
- Sin – Returns the sine of the specified angle (in radians)
- SimpleMovingAverage – Returns the unweighted mean of the previous n data
- SplitLeft – Returns the left side of a string specified by the delimiter
- SplitRight – Returns the right side of a string specified by the delimiter
- Sqrt – Returns the square root of a specified number
- Std – Returns the standard deviation of a numerical feature
- Substring – Returns the value after the specified start index and specified length
- Sum – Returns the sum of all values in a numerical feature
- Tan – Returns the tangent of the specified angle (in radians)
- ToString – Returns a string literal of a specified value
- Truncate – Calculates the integral part of a number
- WeightedMovingAverage – Returns values where more weight is placed on recent data and less on past data
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