There are multiple ways to observe your Network Data in Virtualitics Explore. You can quickly generate a Network Graph using Network Extractor or load and dive into your own Network Data.
In order to load data into Virtualitics Explore, it needs to be in a compatible Network Data Format.
Network Data Formats
Virtualitics supports the following formats for loading network data:
A JSON file contains data stored as attributes – value pairs and arrays; importantly, JSON files enable analysis of node attributes. This data format will automatically be recognized by Virtualitics Explore when loaded, as long as the file is structured as illustrated in the image below.
While the JSON format is very flexible, Virtualitics Explore uses a specific ontology/format within JSON format to encode networks. First, we encode the node data under the Nodes key. The value will be an array of nested JSON data, where each element of the list describes all the data for one node. The name for the node should be stored in the Name key and the value must be a string. The remaining key-value pairs for the given node, must have strings for keys and one of int, float, double, Boolean, or string data type as their value.
The additional keys (other than Name) will be available as columns of data in Virtualitics Explore, which allow the user to bring in important metadata for each node and provide more context for the network. If there is no value for a given key, simply exclude that key from the nested JSON for the given node. Then, we encode the edge data under the Edges key. The value will be an array of nested JSON data, where each element of the list describes the information for one edge.
While networks are comprised of just nodes and edges, it is possible to encode the data for a network by just listing the edges. This is because the names of the nodes are used to define the edges. As a result, the nodes in the network are just the unique set of nodes referenced in the list of edges. We can also include a column of data to describe the edge weights. When loading in a dataset formatted as an edge list, order matters.
In this format, we have a square matrix where each column name represents the name of a node. There is also a hidden/invisible first column where the column names are repeated in the same order as the column names. The values in the matrix represent the strength of the edges between the nodes described by the column name and the hidden row name. A value of 0 implies that there is no edge between these nodes. Adjacency matrices can be weighted or unweighted.
Edge List and Adjacency Matrix are more basic formats that can include edges and their respective weights, while the JSON format enables users to input metadata for each node in addition to the edges and weights.
Loading Network Data into Virtualitics Explore
- Click Choose File at the top of Virtualitics Explore or Load Dataset from the Main Menu.
- Navigate to the file you would like to load.
- After loading in the data, the Dataset Preview window will appear.
- Depending on your filetype, ensure you've selected the correct options in Dataset Preview:
JSON File (.json) This data format will automatically be recognized by Virtualitics Explore when loaded in as long as the file is structured correctly. Edge List These can be loaded in from a tabular format (such as a .csv) by specifying “Edge List” in the Data Format drop-down so long as the data contains only a source, target, and weight column (optional), Adjacency Matrix Can be loaded from any kind of tabular data file (such as .csv or excel). It must follow the format where columns represent the nodes and each row represents the nodes' interactions with other nodes in a network. Adjacency matrices can be weighted or un-weighted.
To load in this network data format properly, select Adjacency Matrix.
- Depending on your filetype, ensure you've selected the correct options in Dataset Preview:
- (Optional) Ensure to set the Edge Weight Format, if applicable.
Similarity vs Distance: Similarity is the default when previewing a load of your dataset. However, if your edge weights are values that represent distance, you can specify them as such on the dropdown of Edge Weight Format before loading in the dataset.
Besides an adjacency matrix where a zero represents no edge between the relevant nodes, weighted edge lists and .json files must specify edge weights that are greater than zero.
Our network graphs currently only support undirected graphs. Support for directed graphs will be coming soon in a future release.
- Click Load at the bottom of the Dataset Preview window.
- Spreadsheet View will appear. Click Explore Data at the bottom of the screen.
- Your network data will automatically be displayed in 3D. You will find a few key network features on the axes in the Mapping Panel:
- Spatial dimensions for the Network to be visualized in 3D
- X - Network X
- Y - Network Y
- Z - Network Z
- Color - Segments
- Segments represent groupings based on the density of edges between nodes
- Size - Weighted Degree
- Represents the number of edges connected to a node, factoring in any edge weights in the input data.
- Represents the number of edges connected to a node, factoring in any edge weights in the input data.
- Spatial dimensions for the Network to be visualized in 3D
Network Settings
Plot Settings
When interacting with a Network Graph in Virtualitics Explore, click the Menu on the top right of the Mapping Panel and navigate to the Plot Settings to customize your visualizations. You may toggle points, designate Edge Curvature, and choose to toggle edges or simply show a sample of them.
Appearance Settings
There are several options available in the Appearance section of the Settings window to adjust the Default Edge Color, Default Maps Edge Color, Default Edge Insight Color and Edge Alpha. The Edge Alpha adjusts the opacity of the edges to make them bolder or fainter.
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